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Autor Titel Jahr Betreuer Projekt Report Nummern
Fehler, Tim Lukas Hybrid Search for Photons with the Low-Energy Extensions of the Pierre Auger Observatory 2024 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Kooshkjalali, Kaveh Design, Construction, and Testing of a Cherenkov Coincidence Detector for Proton Beam Therapy 2023 Prof. Ivor Fleck Compton Camera
Papior, Chiara Evaluating the capabilities of the Pierre Auger Observatory to search for axion-like particles 2022 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Ananiashvili, Vakhtang Improving the $t\bar{t}t\bar{t}$ event selection with Graph Neural Networks in multilepton final states at the ATLAS detector 2021 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS CERN-THESIS-2021-291 BONN-IB-2022-01
Hücking, Tim-Philip Pseudo Experiment Based Studies with RooFit of Fits to Events Weighted by the SPlot Technique for Application in the ATLAS B-Physics Data Analysis 2020 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Schwan, Niklas Werner Improving Four-Top-Quark Event Classification with Deep Learning Techniques using ATLAS Simulation 2020 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IB-2021-01 CERN-THESIS-2020-275
Bobrikova, Anna Predicting the UHE Photon Flux from GZK-Interactions of Hadronic Cosmic Rays Using CRPropa 3 2020 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Hahn, Jan Joachim Measurement of X-Ray Photons Using an INGRID Chip 2020 Prof. Ivor Fleck
Raza, Agha Mohammad Determination of Background from Misreconstructed Electrons in $t\bar{t} \gamma$ Single Lepton Channel at the $\sqrt{s} = 13 \, \text{TeV}$ with $139 \, \text{fb}^{-1}$ of ATLAS Data 2020 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Bäcker, Hedia Geant4 Simulation of a Cherenkov-Based SiPM Compton Camera Prototype Setup 2020 Prof. Ivor Fleck Compton Camera
Climescu, Matei Simulation of a Silicon Pixel Tracker in a $400 \, \text{GeV}$ Proton on Thick Target Experiment to Measure the Charm Production Cross Section 2019 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IB-2020-02 CERN-THESIS-2019-348
Chelluri, Subrahmanya Siddardha A Study of the sPlot Technique for Application in the ATLAS B-Physics Data Analysis 2019 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Dünkel, Fabian Studies of Lorentz Violation using Air Shower Data 2019 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Salman, Ayman Coincident Detection of Cherenkov Photons Using Silicon Photomultiplier Detector and iQID Camera 2019 Prof. Ivor Fleck Compton Camera
Gubbi, Narasimha Murthy Keshava Prasad Anomalous Quartic Gauge Coupling for WWZ Production in an Effective Field Theory Framework 2019 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IB-2020-01
Ali, Ayesha Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers 2018 Prof. Ivor Fleck
Eickhoff, Simon Franz Search for Primary Photons in the Energy Range from $10^{17} \, \text{eV}$ to $10^{18} \, \text{eV}$ at the Pierre Auger Observatory 2018 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Ruina, Arshia Search for Charged-Lepton Flavour Violation in Top-Quark Decays in the $\mu \, \tau$ Channel Using the ATLAS Detector at the LHC 2018 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IB-2019-001 CERN-THESIS-2018-315
Alfarra, Amirrafiq Ahmed Chracteristics of a Diamond like Carbon Coated (DLC) Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) 2018 Prof. Ivor Fleck ILC-TPC
Erdenebat, Nomin-Erdene Measurement of the $t\bar{t} \gamma \gamma$ Production Cross-Section in $pp$ Collisions at a Center-Of-Mass-Energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13 \, \text{TeV}$ with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC 2018 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Öncel, Ö. Ogul Search for Single Top Quark Production in Association with a $W$ and a $Z$ Boson in the 3 Lepton Final State with the ATLAS Experiment at 13 TeV 2018 Prof. Jan Jolie ATLAS CERN-THESIS-2018-076
Khalid, Waleed Detection of Cherenkov Photons Using Silicon Photomultipliers 2018 Prof. Ivor Fleck Compton Camera
Meshreki, John Measurement of the differential cross section of the top-quark pair production associated with a photon in the single lepton channel at a center-of-mass-energy of $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV with 20.3 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions data collected by the ATLAS detector 2016 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Rühl, Philip Systematical Studies on Photon Observables to Separate between Ultra High Energy Photons and the Cosmic Ray Background 2016 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Heer, Sebastian Modeling and Measuring the $t \bar{t} \gamma$ Process with the ATLAS Detector at $8 \, \text{GeV}$ 2015 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IB-2016-03
Tosson, Amir Characteristics of the Ceramics GEMs 2015 Prof. Ivor Fleck
Dehn, Christian Monte Carlo-Studien der Zerfallswinkelverteilungen im Zerfall $B_s^0 \rightarrow J/\psi \phi \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^- K^+ K^-$ für das ATLAS-Experiment 2015 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Lauber, Frederik Hermann Generation of Nanosecond Wide Pulses for the Surface Detector Test System of the Pierre Auger Observatory 2015 Prof. Peter Buchholz Auger
Heimel, Bertha Sophie Erika Bestimmung des Photon-Signaltemplates zur Analyse von $t\bar{t}\gamma$-Ereignissen mit dem ATLAS-Experiment 2014 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Ngoc, Phan Thi Hong Measurement of the Top Quark Mass in the $t \bar{t} \rightarrow$ Dilepton Decay Channel Using the $m_{\text{T}2}$, $m_{\text{T}2 \perp}$ and $m_{lb}$ Variables with ATLAS Data 2013 Prof. Norbert Wermes ATLAS BONN-IB-2013-02 CERN-THESIS-2013-173
Thiel, Sarah Rebecca Bestimmung des $t\bar{t}\gamma$ Wirkungsquerschnittes im dileptonischen Kanal mit dem ATLAS-Detektor 2012 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Ghasemi, Sara Search for Same-sign Top Quark Pairs with Dimuon Final State in the ATLAS Experiment with $2 \, \text{fb}^{-1}$ of Data at $\sqrt{s} = 7 \, \text{TeV}$ 2012 Prof. Norbert Wermes ATLAS BONN-IB-2012-13 CERN-THESIS-2012-250
Schäfer, Ralph Search for Trilepton Events in the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC with $2 \, \text{fb}^{-1}$ at $\sqrt{s} = 7 \, \text{TeV}$ 2011 Prof. Norbert Wermes ATLAS BONN-IB-2012-04 CERN-THESIS-2011-300
Wong, Kaven Henry Yau Studies of a Top Quark Mass Measurement in the Dilepton Channel Using the $m_{\text{T}2}$ Variable at ATLAS 2011 Prof. Norbert Wermes ATLAS BONN-IB-2012-03 CERN-THESIS-2011-297
Atlay, Naim Bora Determination of Systematic Uncertainities for the Measurement of the $t \bar{t} \gamma$ Cross Section with ATLAS 2011 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Hachenberg, Christian Untersuchung von Untergrundquellen zur $ t \bar{t} \gamma$-Produktion 2011 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Weikum, Andreas Bestimmung von Fake-Raten in dimyonischen Top-Quark-Ereignissen mit dem ATLAS-Detektor 2011 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Schmidt, Marc Untersuchungen an einer TPC mit einer GEM als Gasverstärkung und Programmierung zugehöriger Simulationen 2011 Prof. Ivor Fleck ILC-TPC
Niechciol, Marcus Muon Counter Simulation Studies for the AMIGA enhancement of the Pierre Auger Observatory 2011 Prof. Peter Buchholz Auger
Scharun, Michael Entwicklung einer Zeitprojektionskammer 2010 Prof. Ivor Fleck
Rosenthal, Oliver Bestimmung der Ladung des Top Quarks mit dem ATLAS Experiment 2009 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Czirr, Hendrik Timing Determination of the ATLAS Pixel Detector Using Offline Data 2009 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Fröhlich, Uwe Charakterisierung der Szintillatoren und der Ausleseelektronik des AMIGA-Myonsystems 2009 Prof. Ivor Fleck Auger
Grebe, Stefan Properties of the Surface Detector Data Recorded by the Pierre Auger Observatory 2008 Prof. Peter Buchholz Auger
Steinseifer, Isabell Kristin Energy Calibration of the Pierre Auger Observatory Using the Constant Intensity Cut Method 2008 Prof. Ivor Fleck Auger
Rammes, Marcus Investigating Signal Fluctuations of the Surface Detector Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory Using Pair Tanks 2008 Prof. Ivor Fleck Auger
Köhler, Michael Studies of the Timing Behaviour of the ATLAS Pixel Detector 2008 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Pontz, Michael Studies of the ATLAS Pixel Detector Module Timing with the Athena Framework 2008 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Alcocer Cordero, Giovanni Fernando Analysis of the Monitoring Data of the Pierre Auger Surface Detector 2008 Prof. Ivor Fleck Auger
Gaur, Bakul First Studies of a Prototype GEM Readout for a Future ILC-TPC 2008 Prof. Peter Buchholz ILC-TPC
von Radziewski, Holger Trigger Considerations for the Measurement of $B_s^0 \rightarrow D_s^- a_1^+$ with the ATLAS Experiment 2007 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Andrei, George Victor Reconstruction Algorithms for the FADC DAQ System of the KASCADE-Grande Experiment 2004 Prof. Peter Buchholz KASCADE-Grande
Lixandru, Tomaida-Roxana Performance of the KASCADE-Grande Testbeam Calorimeter 2004 Prof. Peter Buchholz KASCADE-Grande
Sipica, Valentin Performance Studies of the HERA-B Muon Detector and Pretrigger Systems 2004 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B


Autor Titel Jahr Betreuer Projekt Report Nummern
Domnik, Birte Studie zur Bestimmung der Top-Quark-Masse über den Zerfall der B-Hadronen in dileptonischen $t \bar{t}$-Ereignissen mit dem ATLAS-Experiment am LHC 2007 Prof. Norbert Wermes ATLAS BONN-IB-2008-06 CERN-THESIS-2007-138
Grigat, Marius Sky Coverage Computation for the Surface Detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory 2007 Prof. Ivor Fleck Auger
Roggenbuck, Axel Untersuchungen zur Strahlenhärte des optischen Datenübertragungssystems für den ATLAS-Pixeldetektor 2005 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Schade, Peter Untersuchungen zur Qualität der optischen Datenübertragungsstrecke für den ATLAS-Pixel-Detektor 2005 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Brüser, Delia Untersuchungen der b-Tagging-Algorithmen des ATLAS-Experiments 2005 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Bäcker, Thomas Commissioning of a FADC-Based Data Acquisition System for the KASCADE-Grande Experiment 2005 Prof. Peter Buchholz KASCADE-Grande
Grybel, Kai Karsten Effizienz eines auf dem Impact-Parameter basierenden b-Tagging Algorithmus bei nichtoptimalen Eigenschaften des ATLAS-Pixel-Detektors 2005 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Over, Sven Development and Commissioning of Data Acquisition Systems for the KASCADE-Grande Experiment 2004 Prof. Peter Buchholz KASCADE-Grande
Brüggemann, Marc Untersuchungen zum RICH-Vetosystem des HERA-B Experiments 2002 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Bechtle, Philip Inbetriebnahme des HERA-B Myon-Pretrigger-Systems 2001 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Husemann, Ulrich Prospects of Drell-Yan Physics with the HERA-B Detector 2001 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Klaus, Elmar Untersuchungen zur Inbetriebnahme des HERA-B-Myon-Pretriggers und Monte-Carlo-Studien zum Zerfall $B^0 \rightarrow K^{*0} \mu^+ \mu^-$ 2000 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Vocht, Jörn Untersuchungen zum Verhalten eines DEPFET-Detektorsystems 2000 Prof. Peter Buchholz
Trimpl, Marcel Inbetriebnahme eines Autoradiographiesystems mit einer DEPFET-Matrix und erste Messungen 1999 Prof. Peter Buchholz DEPFET
Böcker, Matthias Entwicklung und Aufbau eines DEPFET-Detektorsystems und erste Resultate 1999 Prof. Peter Buchholz DEPFET
Schäfer, Ingo Das Auslesesystem eines DEPFET-Detektorsystems und erste Messungen 1998 Prof. Peter Buchholz DEPFET
Cruse, Carsten Entwicklung und Untersuchung von Komponenten zur Datenübertragung für den Myon-Pretrigger des HERA-B Experimentes 1998 Prof. Dietrich Wegener HERA-B
Schwenninger, Björn Untersuchungen der Myon-Pretrigger-Elektronik für das HERA-B Experiment 1997 Prof. Dietrich Wegener HERA-B