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PhD Theses

Author Title Year Supervisor Project Report numbers
Öncel, Ö. Ogul Evidence for $t \bar{t} \, t \bar{t}$ production in the multilepton final state in proton–proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC 2024 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS CERN-THESIS-2024-286
Dünkel, Fabian Test of Lorentz invariance: exploiting the potential of air showers at ultra-high energy 2024 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Mondal, Buddhadeb Measurement of differential cross-sections of the $t\bar{t}\gamma$ process with the ATLAS detector 2024 Priv.Doz. Carmen Diez Pardos ATLAS
Owtscharenko, Nikolaus Development of a silicon pixel tracker for the measurement of the differential charm cross section of 400 GeV/c proton collisions on a SHiP-like thick target 2023 Prof. Markus Cristinziani SHiP CERN-THESIS-2023-146
Rej, Amartya Enlightening a tiny difference: Measurement of top quark pair charge asymmetry in $t \bar{t} + \gamma$ production at LHC using the ATLAS detector at $\sqrt{s} = 13 \, \text{TeV}$ 2023 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS CERN-THESIS-2023-356
Meshreki, John Differential cross-section measurements of the associated production of top quarks with a photon at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector 2021 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Leyko, Agnieszka Measurement of the Top Quark Decay Branching Fraction Ratio $R_b = {\cal B}(t \to Wb)/{\cal B}(t \to Wq)$ and of the Inclusive Production Cross Section $pp \to t\bar{t}$ in the Dilepton Channel at ATLAS 2020 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS CERN-THESIS-2020-375
Rühl, Philip Probing the Sources of Gravitational Waves 2020 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Bayerlein, Reimund Coincident Detection of Cherenkov Photons for Medical Applications 2020 Prof. Ivor Fleck Compton Camera
Ghasemi, Sara Cross-Section Measurement of $t \bar{t} \gamma$ Production in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 8$ and $13 \, \text{TeV}$ with the ATLAS Experiment 2019 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Heer, Sebastian Top-Quark Pair Production in Association with a Z Boson in the Final State with Four Charged Leptons 2019 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2019-07 CERN-THESIS-2019-207
Gottardo, Carlo Alberto Search for Charged Lepton-Flavour Violation in Top-Quark Decays at the LHC with the ATLAS Detector 2019 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2019-04 CERN-THESIS-2019-055
Sciandra, Andrea Probing the Standard Model of Particle Physics with $t \bar{t} H$, $WWZ$ and $WZZ$ Multilepton Final States 2018 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2019-05
Shirazi, Amir Noori Track Reconstruction for InGrid Chips for a Time Projection Chamber 2018 Prof. Ivor Fleck
Heimann, Philipp A Test for the Existence of Protons in Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays 2018 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Ghneimat, Mazuza Probing the Top-Quark Coupling to the Photon Through the Cross-Section Measurement of $t \bar{t} \gamma$ Production in $pp$ Collisions with the ATLAS Detector 2018 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2018-05 CERN-THESIS-2018-056
Atlay, Naim Bora Differentiating Top-Quark - Photon Coupling: Inclusive and Differential Cross-Section Measurements of Top-Quark Pair Production in Association with a Photon in the Single Lepton Channel in $pp$ Collisions Data at $\sqrt{s} = 8 \, \text{TeV}$ with the ATLAS Experiment 2017 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Bruscino, Nello A Gateway to New Physics: Direct Measurement of the Top Yukawa Coupling to the Higgs Boson 2017 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2017-04 CERN-THESIS-2017-084
Wong, Kaven Henry Yau Measurement of the Top-Quark Mass and the $t \bar{t} Z $ Cross Section in ATLAS: the $t \bar{t}$ Dilepton Way 2015 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2015-06 CERN-THESIS-2015-089
Niechciol, Marcus A New Window to the Universe? - Searching for Ultra-High-Energy Photons at the Pierre Auger Observatory 2015 Prof. Markus Risse Auger
Czirr, Hendrik Measurement of the Charge Asymmetry in the Top-Quark Dilepton Decay Channel in $pp$ Collision Data at $\sqrt{s} = 7 \, \text{TeV}$ Using the ATLAS Detector 2014 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Shahid, Saiqa Development of a GEM Based Time Projection Chamber Prototype Using a Pixelized Readout System 2014 Prof. Ivor Fleck
Fröhlich, Uwe Firmware, Detector Performance and First Data of the AMIGA Muon Counters for the Pierre Auger Observatory 2013 Prof. Peter Buchholz Auger
Rosenthal, Oliver Evidence and Cross Section Measurement of the Process $pp \rightarrow t \bar{t} \gamma$ at a Center-Of-Mass Energy of $7 \, \text{TeV}$ with the ATLAS Experiment 2013 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Gaur, Bakul Measurement of the Reference Channel $B^\pm \rightarrow J/\psi K^\pm$ for the Rare Decay $B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$ with the ATLAS Experiment 2013 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Pontz, Michael System Tests, Initial Operation and First Data of the AMIGA Muon Detector for the Pierre Auger Observatory 2012 Prof. Peter Buchholz Auger
Rammes, Marcus Measurement of the $pp \rightarrow t \bar{t} \gamma$ Inclusive Cross Section in the Semi-Leptonic Decay Channel with the ATLAS Detector 2012 Prof. Ivor Fleck ATLAS
Khoriauli, Gia Single-Top Production t-Channel Cross Section Measurement in the Electron+Jets Final State at ATLAS with $35 \, \text{pb}^{-1}$ of Data 2012 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2012-04
Abajyan, Tatevik Measurement of the Top Quark Pair Production Cross Section with the ATLAS Detector at LHC in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 7 \, \text{TeV}$ in Dilepton Final States 2012 Prof. Markus Cristinziani ATLAS BONN-IR-2012-02 CERN-THESIS-2012-069
Sipica, Valentin Prospects for Measuring the Branching Ratio of the Rare $B_s^0 \rightarrow \mu^+ \mu^-$ Decay with the ATLAS Experiment 2011 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Grybel, Kai Karsten Prospects for Measuring the Differential High $p_\text{T}$ $b$-Jet Cross Section with the ATLAS Detector 2010 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS
Ta, Duc Bao Study of Top-Quark Pair Cross-Section Measurement in the Dilepton Channel with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC 2010 Prof. Norbert Wermes ATLAS BONN-IR-2010-17 CERN-THESIS-2010-231
Bäcker, Thomas Weather Corrections for a Point Source Search at the Pierre Auger Observatory 2010 Prof. Ivor Fleck Auger
Over, Sven Methods for the Reconstruction of Large Scale Anisotropies of the Cosmic Ray Flux 2009 Prof. Peter Buchholz KASCADE-Grande
Stahl, Thorsten Prospects for Measuring the $B^{0}_{s}$ Mixing Parameter $\Delta m_{s}$ Using the Decay Channel $B^{0}_{s} \to D_{s}^{-} a_{1}^{+}$ with the ATLAS Detector 2008 Prof. Peter Buchholz ATLAS SI-HEP-2009-04 CERN-THESIS-2009-006
Kickelbick, Dirk The Energy Spectrum of Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the KASCADE-Grande Experiment 2008 Prof. Peter Buchholz KASCADE-Grande
Brüggemann, Marc Determination of an Arrival Time Cut for the Separation of Electrons and Muons in Extensive Air Showers 2006 Prof. Peter Buchholz KASCADE-Grande
Husemann, Ulrich Measurement of Nuclear Effects in the Production of $J/\psi$ Mesons with the HERA–B Detector 2005 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Böcker, Matthias Messung der transversalen $\Lambda$-Polarisation mit dem HERA-B-Detektor 2004 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Cruse, Carsten Das RICH-Multiplizitätsveto-System für das HERA-B Experiment 2002 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Adams, Markus Entwicklung eines Simulationsprogrammes für das Myon-Pretrigger-System des HERA-B Experimentes und Untersuchungen zum Systemverhalten 2001 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B
Schwenninger, Björn Das Myon-Pretrigger-System für das HERA-B Experiment 2001 Prof. Peter Buchholz HERA-B