Physicists from the University of Siegen are actively working on upgrading the ATLAS detector for the High Luminosity phase of the Large Hadron Collider, scheduled to begin in 2030. Recently, a delegation from Siegen, including the university's rector and prorector for research, infrastructure, and networking, visited CERN and got to ...
Research at the Pierre Auger Observatory Enters the Next Phase
- Read more about Research at the Pierre Auger Observatory Enters the Next Phase
- AdamWarnerbring's Blog
For nearly 20 years, physicists from the University of Siegen have been working on researching cosmic radiation at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina. The international collaborative project has now been extended to 2035, with a formal agreement signed during a special ceremony. Representing the University of Siegen at the ...
New ATLAS-Germany Higgs convenor
We are happy to announce that our new group member Dr. Elisabeth Schopf has been elected as the next ATLAS-Germany Higgs convenor for a three-year term.
Substantial funding for Siegen's participation in the ATLAS experiment
- Read more about Substantial funding for Siegen's participation in the ATLAS experiment
- AdamWarnerbring's Blog
The Experimental Particle Physics Group has received continued funding from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for its involvement in the ATLAS experiment. Click the link to read more about the involvement from Siegen in the ATLAS experiment, spanning all the way from hardware to data analysis:
Two House of Young Talents stipends for PhD students
Two members of the group, Tim Fehler and Adam Warnerbring, have been awarded House of Young Talents scholarships starting on the 1st of April, to support their doctoral projects. Congratulations!
Siegen physicists involved in new CERN experiment
A news article about the the SHiP experiment has been published on the university web-page. Click on the following link to read about the experiment and Siegen's involvement:
Kinderuni - Lecture for school kids today at Unteres Schloss
- Read more about Kinderuni - Lecture for school kids today at Unteres Schloss
- MarkusCristinziani's Blog
Markus will try to motivate very young students to study physics in some years. He will deliver a talk about CERN, the smallest particles and its connection to the Big Bang, today starting at 5pm at Campus Unteres Schloss. About 200 interested kids aged 8-12 are expected to join. Read ...
Photon search paper published
A paper of the Pierre Auger Collaboration about the search for photons with energies above $2\times10^{17} \, \text{eV}$, with major contributions from the Siegen Auger group, was recently published in The Astrophysical Journal. The now published results represent the strictest upper bounds on the integral flux of photons in the ...
10 Jahre Higgs
Am 04. Juli 2012 wurde die Entdeckung des Higgs-Teilchens verkündet. Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Jubiläums der Entdeckung bietet das CPPS eine öffentliche Veranstaltung an.
Inaugural lecture Markus Cristinziani
You are cordially invited to join the inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr. Markus Cristinziani on Thursday, 21.10.2021, at 17:15 h in the lecture hall EN D-114. He will talk about Top Quarks am CERN - Neues zum schwersten Elementarteilchen vom größten Teilchenbeschleuniger (in German).