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Date Speaker Title Event Project Material
Qader Dorosti The Pierre Auger Observatory: Results and Prospects Auger
Carmen Diez Pardos Measurements of inclusive and differential cross-sections of tt̄γ production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS
Fehler, Tim Searches for ultra-high-energy photons with the Pierre Auger Observatory: Current status and future perspectives Auger
Niechciol, Marcus Multimessenger Astronomy with the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Hahn, Jan Joachim tt+X measurements using the full run 2 dataset with the ATLAS experiments ATLAS
Hahn, Jan Joachim Measurements of inclusive and differential cross-sections of tt_bar+γ production in pp collisions at Sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector ATLAS
Niechciol, Marcus Latest Results from the Searches for Photons at the Highest Energies with the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Gabriel Gomes Searches for BSM in top final states in ATLAS ATLAS
Vadim Kostyukhin Recent highlights on top quark physics with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC ATLAS
Alexey Petrukhin ITk pixel module assembly and testing experience ATLAS
Vadim Kostyukhin Simultaneous multi-vertex reconstruction with a minimum-cost lifted multicut graph partitioning algorithm ATLAS
Cristinziani, Markus Top-quark physics in ATLAS and CMS ATLAS
Eleonora Guido Astrophysical interpretation of energy spectrum and mass composition of cosmic rays as measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Eleonora Guido Multimessenger studies at the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Eleonora Guido Towards searching for ultra-high-energy photons with deep learning techniques Auger
Niechciol, Marcus Latest results from the searches for ultra-high-energy photons and neutrinos at the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Arpan Ghosal Recent results on associated top quark production and searches for new top-quark phenomena with the ATLAS detector ATLAS
Diez Pardos, Carmen Measurements of ttbar and single top production with bosons in ATLAS ATLAS
Mondal, Buddhadeb Associated top-quark production and measurement of production asymmetries with the ATLAS experiment ATLAS
Niechciol, Marcus Multimessenger Astronomy with the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Cristinziani, Markus Heavy-flavour physics results from ATLAS ATLAS
Diez Pardos, Carmen Measurements of charge asymmetries in tt̄, tt̄γ, tt̄W ATLAS
Eleonora Guido Interpreting the cosmic ray spectrum and composition measurements across the ankle and up to the highest energies with the data of the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Niechciol, Marcus Searching for neutral particles at the highest energies at the Pierre Auger Observatory Auger
Alexey Petrukhin RD53A pixel module assembly and testing experience ATLAS