Cristinziani, Markus |
Overview of recent ATLAS results |
Corfu 2022 |
Niechciol, Marcus |
Measurements of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays at the Pierre Auger Observatory: Past, Present, Future |
The Golden Universe |
Auger |
Diez Pardos, Carmen |
Measurements of the top quark processes in association with additional particles with the ATLAS detector |
Blois 2021 |
Ruehl, Philip |
Multimessenger Astronomy of Transient Point Sources at the Pierre Auger Observatory |
TAUP 2021 |
Auger |
Owtscharenko, Niko |
Towards a measurement of charm production induced by 400 GeV/c protons on a thick target at CERN SPS |
TIPP 2021 |
SHiP |
Ibragimov, Iskander |
B physics results at ATLAS |
Moriond QCD 2021 |