Errata for the book 'Astroparticle Physics' `I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors, and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true view.' Abraham Lincoln page 140, problem 2: in all three formulae the denominator 5 c^2 must be replaced by 5 c^5; consequently, also the solution to this problem will change page 356: a) P $\approx 5 \cdot 10^{-4} W = 0.5 mW$ This is only a very small fraction of about $1.3 \cdot 10^{-30}$ of the solar emission in the optical range. b) $P \approx = 2.7 \cdot 10^{-33} W$ many thanks to Jørn Lyngesen for pointing this out to me. page 158, in the last paragraph it is stated that Auger has 3000 sampling detectors; this is not correct. The sentence should read In the Auger project in Argentina 1600 sampling detectors spread over an area of 3000 $km^2$ will be used for the ... page 162 on the left margin: 'energies > 10^{20} TeV' must, of course, be 'energies > 10^{20} eV'). page 170, problem number 7: If you want to work out a number for the cut-off energy, you will realize that - to get the dimension right - you will need a factor of (4 \pi \epsilon_0 c) in the denominator where \epsilon_0 is the permittivity of free space, and c the velocity of light. These numerical constants frequently occur in such formulae. Then you have to convert Joule to GeV. page 198 improved phrasing form Glen: A few further subtleties come into play at lower temperatures. For example, at around $T \approx 0.2$ GeV, quarks and gluons become confined into colour-neutral hadrons, namely, protons and neutrons. Having masses around 0.94 GeV, these are nonrelativistic from the moment they are formed and therefore their equilibrium number densities are exponentially suppressed.  They therefore make a negligible contribution to the energy density and are not counted in $g_*$. (from Feb.17, 2016) page 235 in chapter 11.4: the quotation has been used before; please replace by: 'The universal cosmic process was not created by any god or man; it forever was, is, and forever will be, an Ever living Fire.' Heraclitus of Ephesus page 239 in chapter 11.6, equation (11.17) should read d_H(t) = 3t_{ls} + 2 t_{mr} - 3 t^{2/3}_{ls} t^{1/3}_{mr} which leads to approximately 660 000 years; thanks to Burin Gumjudpai, Thailand page 322 There is a mistake in the definition of the 'neutralino'. It says: The neutralino is the bosonic partner of the neutrino.' It should have read: 'Neutralinos is a collective term for the supersymmetric partners of the neutral standard gauge bosons, namely the supersymmetric partners of the photon, the gluons, the Z, the graviton, and the neutral Higgs particles, called photino, gluinos, zino, gravitino and higgsinos.'